Staying Vigilant: Lessons in Accounting Distortions & Past Blowups

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This course embodies the Veritas Credo:
Companies do not fail because of accounting manipulation.
But when a management team uses accounting maneuvers, it is usually because the underlying operations are not sustainable.

This is very relevant in today’s investment world. Not since WWII has there been an exogenous force that wreaked such havoc on the global economy as the global COVID pandemic did between 2019 and 2021. Government support stimuli cushioned the decline, but the longer the economy took to grow into the stock market’s valuation, the more apt a management team was to use accounting techniques to ensure that stakeholders did not become impatient.

In this training, you will learn how to apply The Veritas Forensic Analysis Framework to uncover companies that are:

• Inflating Cash Flows and Earnings
• Managing Loan Loss Provisions
• Boosting Same Store Sales
• Avoiding Interest Expenses
• Covering Up Bad Debt 

We also explore the blow-ups of the companies through Case Studies of Carillion and Wirecard.

Here is what one participant said about an earlier session: “Anthony and Dimitry are very engaging and they make accounting interesting!”

Staying Vigilant: Lessons in Accounting Distortions & Past Blowups

Course Booklet available for this course.

Course Supplements available for this course.